Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday Tonic - The Rabbit of Seville

For your Tuesday Tonic, a rare treat!  NiftyReaders may have noticed that I am an opera fan. Well, today you learn the secret behind my enduring affection for that musical genre: Bugs Bunny!

Yes, back in the olden days when Nifty was a sprog, the best show on television was the Bugs Bunny Roadrunner Hour on Saturday evenings right around suppertime. Dad would hold off flipping the hamburgers until the last notes of "This is it...!" had faded away to give me and my siblings a chance to watch it every week (no DVRs in those bad old days!)

Bugs was not just a clever bunny, he was cultured! We had no idea what a rich education we were soaking up while we laughed at his antics, but today I recognize the literary and musical references that were woven into nearly every cartoon.

Today's tonic, in honor of my dear brother-in-law who - to my everlasting admiration and delight - can sing the entire thing from memory: Bugs Bunny, The Rabbit of Seville

(inspired by Rossini's The Barber of Seville)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday Tonic - No True Scotsman

Every time there is a shocking event involving people from a readily-identifiable ethnic, ideological or religious group, a predictable verbal ping pong match often ensues among bystanders. Someone will point out that the perpetrator of some terrible act "x" appears to be a member of some stereotyped group N. Others generalize that of course group N is responsible for so much "x" in the world. Still others - usually members of group N themselves - jump in to defend with one or both of these common assertions:

1.  "Not all of group N are like the perpetrator and group N is not responsible for most of the "x" in the world!" (these assertions are usually presented along with anecdotes showing perpetrators from other groups committing act "x")

2. "The perpetrator is not a true N; a true N would never do a thing like "x"!

The second apologetic is known as the "no True Scotsman" fallacy.

For your Tuesday Tonic this week, here is a nice clear explanation of what the "No True Scotsman" fallacy is, how it is deployed and why it fails. Thanks to TheraminTrees for another excellent video!


Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday Music - Bach To Basics!

For your Monday Music, something from  J S Bach's second son, Carl Phillipp Emanuel Bach.

This is the Allegro from C P Emanuel Bach's Cello Concerto in A Major, performed by the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra. The soloist is British cellist is Steven Isserlis.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thorsday Tonic - We Are Part of the Universe!

I've posted this before, and there is something about the long cold grip of winter that seems to call for it again.


Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday Music - Hallelujah! Holiday Loot!

Now that the Holiday rush is over, the presents have been opened and everyone is mostly recovered from the feasting - it's time for a bit of fun!

Check out Edward Current's collaborative effort with composer/producer Steven Clark. An updated and hilarious version of Handel's Messiah!