Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Loving Vincent - Bringing Painting to Life in Exciting Biographical Film

Starry Night Over the Rhone - Vincent van Gogh 1888-89

If this film project is even half as good as it looks like it will be, it will be worth clearing your schedule to go see it. The concept reminds me a little of the very cool and thought-provoking film Waking Life. Except in reverse.

Café Terrace at Night - 1888
Waking Life used animation software to convert actual film footage of live actors into drawn-looking, animated film.

Loving Vincent uses animation techniques to bring actual paintings in the style of Vincent van Gogh to life. The story of van Gogh's life is told with the visual component completely composed of modern artists' renditions of his famous paintings and then animating them.

This has got to be one of the most exciting forays into animated film that I have ever seen. The trailer is thrilling - the artist's style has been lovingly recreated and faithfully matched with the timeline of van Gogh's life.

I'm at a loss for words to describe how interesting this project sounds. Visually gorgeous, a compelling and fascinating story and a unique and groundbreaking approach to filmmaking.  It cannot arrive in theaters near me quickly enough!

Check out the trailer!